Core Server Configuration Attributes ReferenceChapter 2 Core Server Configuration Reference 69nsslapd-schemacheck (Schema Checking)Specifies whether the database schema will be enforced during entry insertion ormodification. When this attribute has a value of on, Directory Server will not checkthe schema of existing entries until they are modified. The database schema definesthe type of information allowed in the database. You can extend the default schemausing the objectclasses and attribute types. For information on how to extendyour schema using the Directory Server Console, see Chapter 9, “Extending theDirectory Schema” in the Netscape Directory Server Administrator’s Guide.nsslapd-schemareplaceDetermines whether modify operations that replace attribute values are allowed onthe cn=schema entry.Example: nsslapd-rootpwstoragescheme: SSHANOTE Schema checking works by default when database modificationsare made using an LDAP client, such as ldapmodify, the DirectoryServer Gateway, or when importing a database from LDIF usingldif2db. If you turn schema checking off, you will have to verifymanually that your entries conform to the schema. If schemachecking is turned on, the server sends an error message to informyou of the entries which do not match the schema. Make sure thatthe attributes and object classes you create in your LDIF statementsare both spelled correctly and identified in dse.ldif. You will needto create a file in the LDIF format in the schema directory or add theelements to 99user.ldif.Entry DN: cn=configValid Range: on | offDefault Value: onSyntax: DirectoryStringExample: nsslapd-schemacheck: onEntry DN: cn=config