ldapmodifyChapter 7 Command-Line Utilities 213ldapmodifyldapmodify enables you to make changes to directory entries via LDAP.Syntaxldapmodify [optional_options]-o Specifies that the output for individual values be formatted without linebreaks and that equal signs “=” be used to separate attribute names fromvalues. This argument produces output in a non-LDIF format.-R Specifies that referrals are not to be followed automatically. By default,referrals are followed automatically.-S Specifies the attribute to use as the sort criteria. For example, -S sn. You canuse multiple -S arguments if you want to further define the sort order. In thefollowing example, the search results will be sorted first by surname and thenby given name:-S sn -S givennameThe default is not to sort the returned entries.-T Specifies that no line breaks should be used within individual values in thesearch results.-t Specifies that the results be written to a set of temporary files. When you usethis option, each attribute value is placed in a separate file within the systemtemporary directory. No base64 encoding is performed on the values,regardless of the content.-u Specifies that the user-friendly form of the distinguished name be used in theoutput.-v Specifies that the utility is to run in verbose mode.-V Specifies the LDAP version number to be used on the search. For example, -V2. LDAP v3 is the default. You cannot perform an LDAP v3 search against aDirectory Server that only supports LDAP v2. Only use LDAP v2 whenconnecting to LDAP v2 servers, such as Directory Server 1.x.-y Specifies the proxy DN to use for the search. This argument is provided fortesting purposes. For more information about proxied authorization, seeChapter 6, “Managing Access Control” in the Netscape Directory ServerAdministrator’s Guide.