Thank you for purchasing the Nikon COOLPIX 56200 digital camera. Thi s guideintroduces the procedures necessary for first time use of this ca mera.For more detailed information, please refer to the digital Reference Manual, which islocated on t he included CD-ROM. For inform.ation on viewing the came ra 's digitalReference Manual, see 'Viewing the Referen ce Manual CD" described below.Should you need technical support, we offer a number of options.InternetPlease visit the Nikon support home page, where you can :• Search Nikon's continuously updated Knowledge Database for the latest techni cal support information.• Use "Ask Nikon a Question" to receive a prompt reply from a Ni kon prof essional advisor to your e-ma i l.• Download the latest versions of Nikon software or firmware updates for your product, or register toreceive e-mail notification for software or firmware updates.For customers in the United States: www.nikontechusa.comFor customers in Canada: (English), (Fran<;a is)For customers in Mexico: .mx/soporteTelephonePlease call for technical support and other product assistance. Our professional advisers are standing by tohelp with your digital camera needs.For customers in the United St ates: 1-800-NIKON-UX (1-800-645-6689)For customers in Canada : 1-877-534-9910For customers in Mexico: 001-888-565-5452W Viewing the ''Reference Manual CD"The Reference Manual can be viewed using Adobe Reader, available fo r free download fromthe Adobe website.1 Sta rt the computer and insert the "Reference Manual CD".2 Double-click the COOLPIX 56200 CD icon (Windows 7!Windows Vista: in Computer; Windows XP: inMy Computer; Mac OS X: on the desktop).3 Double-click the INDEX.pdf icon to display the language selection screen .Click a language and follow the links to view the Reference Manual.An Important Notice about AccessoriesNikon COOLPIX digital camera is designed to the highest standards and includescomplex electronic circuitry. On ly Nikon accessories, such as batt ery chargers, batteries,Charging AC Adapter, and AC adapters are certified by Nikon specifically for your NikonCOOLPIX camera and are engineered and tested to operate within the requirements ofthe electronic ci rcuitry of our cameras.THE USE OF NON-NIKON ACCESSORIES MAY DAMAGE YOUR CAMERA AND WILL VOIDYOUR NIKON WARRANTY.Genuine Nikon accessories are available through your Nikon-authorized dealer.-~------