I]K[ Auto Bracketing3Set to P, S, A or M -> MENU-_ P, S, A, M (shootingmenu)([_]74)-) Auto bracketingTile camera automatically varies exposure slightly over a burst of pictures. Use insituations where it is difficult to perform exposurecompensation ([_]]41)._3-+0.3Camera varies exposure by 0 EV, +0.3 EV, and 0.3 EV over next three shots. The threeshots are taken in sequence when the shutter release button is fully pressed._?-+0.7Camera varies exposure by 0 EV, +0.7 EV, and 0.7 EV over next three shots. The threeshots are taken in sequence when the shutter release button is fully pressed, o_ o'I.B +1.0Camera varies exposure by 0 EV, +1.0 EV, and 1.0 EV over next three shots. The three _"shots are taken in sequence when the shutter release button is fully pressed, oOFF Off (default setting )Bracketing is not performed.When auto bracketing is enabled, the current setting is displayed during shooting([_8). When Off is selected, an icon for the current setting is not displayed._1_ Notes on Auto Bracketing• Auto bracketing is not available in M (manual) mode.• When exposure compensation (_41) and +0.3, +0.7 or +1.0 in Auto bracketing are setsimultaneously, the combined exposure compensation values are applied,• This feature cannot be used simultaneously with certain features, See "Functions that Cannot beApplied Simultaneously" (_96) for more information,[] More InformationSee '_/iewing (-ontinuously Shot Pictures (Pictures in a sequence)" (_102) for more information, 89