.!. Image QualitySet to P, S, A orM -) MENU-) P, S, A, M (shootingmenu)(_]74) _ ImagequalityChoose the amount of compression applied to pictures.Lower compression ratios result in higher quality pictures, but also larger file sizes,limiting the number of pictures that can be recorded.FINEF_neFinequality images(compressionratio of 1:4), suitable for enlargement or highquality prints.NORMNormal (default setting)Normal image quality (compressionratio of 1:8), suitable for most applications.BASICBasicBasicimage quality (compressionratio of 1:16),suitablefor picturesthat will bedistributed by e mail or used in web pages.The icon for the current setting is displayed in the monitor in shooting and playbackmodes ([]Z]8 to 10).oooo[] Notes on the Image Quality Setting• Changes made to the image quality setting apply to all shooting modes (except for sportcontinuous mode and shooting mode U).• Use the sport continuous menu to change the image quality setting for sport continuous mode(_64).[] More Information• See"Number of Exposures Remainh_g"(_77) for more information.• See"Functions that Cannot be Applied Simultaneously" (_96) for more information. 75