Restricted function Setting _'_'i'_'i'_'i'_'i'_'i' De sc ri ptio nContinuous/Auto Optimize image When Black-and-white is selected and B&W + colorbracketing (_]79) is enabled in Optimize image, then Continuous H,Continuous L BSS, Multi-shot 16 and Autobracketing are not available.When the B&W + color check box isselected, the setting forcontinuous is reset to Single and Auto bracketing is resetto Off. To perform simultaneous recording of black andwhite and color with Intvl timer shooting, first select B&W+ color, and then select the Intvl timer shooting setting.NolsereductlonWhenOnisselectedforNoisereduction,([_94) Continuous H and Multi-shot 16 are not available,DistortioncontrolWhenDistortioncontrol_ssettoOn,Mu.i-shot16([_94) and Intvl timer shooting are not available,AF area mode Digital zoom When digital zoom is in effect, AF area is fixed to([_164) Center,"_'o'_"_"_""m'o"_'_......................................When_ (_nf_nW/_sselectedastbefocusmodefor([_38) shooting, the camera focuses at infinity regardless ofNoise reduction Continuousbracketing(_sg)/Distortion control({_:]94)Distortion control ContinuousActive D-Lighting i ISO sensitivitythe applied AF area mode option,When Continuous H or Multi-shot 16 is selectedfor shooting, the noise reduction function is notavailable.When Continuous L, BSS or Auto bracketing isselected for shooting and Distortion control is setto On, the noise reduction function is not available,When Multi-shot 16 or Intvl timer shooting isselected for shooting, distortion control is not available,When ISO sensitivity is set to High I SO sensitivity autoor 1600 or higher, Active D-Lighting is not available,When High ISO sensitivity auto or 1600 or higher isselected, Active D-Lighting is reset to Off......................................................................................................................................i..........Date imprint Continuous When Continuous H, Continuous L or BSS is([_86) selected for shooting, date imprint is not available.Auto bracketing([_89) Date imprint is not available,([_86)/Autobracketing Blink warning does not take effect,([_:]89)_DT_[zoo_7_"]_ i C o nti n uo u sj(l::_86)_1_ More InformationSee "Notes on Digital Zoom" (_164) for more ir_formation.897