[] Maximum Movie Length_ _ww:"_!_:'_'_!::'_ i_'_"_'l nt_e rna_ m e m o ryOption (43MB)_HD 1080p'k(! g20x 1080)(default setting)HD 1080p (1920x1080)HD 720p (i280X720)J_i_l VGA (640X480)i_i_ QVGA (320x240)Memory card(4GB)_23 s 34 rain26 s 39 rain 25 s34 s 50 min1 min37s 2h5min4 min 34 s 4 h 45 minAll figures are approximate. The maximum recording time may vary by make of memory card and thebitrates at which the movie was recorded.The maximum recording time for a single movie is 29 minutes. The maximum movie lengthdisplayed during recording is 29 minutes, even when there is enough free space on the memorycard for a longer movie.[] More InformationSee "File and Folder Names" (_181) for more information.[_ Autofocus ModePressMENUbutton -_ _1_ (Movie menu) ([_132) -_ Autofocus modeChoose how the camera focuses when recording movies with the movie modeswitch rotated to HD.Option Description_:_ Single AF(default setting) Focus is locked when the • (movie-record) button is pressed.During movie recording, camera focuses continuously until focus islocked.The sound of the focusing operation may be recorded duringshooting. To prevent sound of camera focusing from interferingwith recording, use of Single AF is recommended.[] Autofocus Mode during Movie Shooting• When the scene mode is Fireworks show, the focus is fixed at infinity.• When the focus mode is NF(manual focus), the focus is fixed before movie recording starts.o8B_go_,<R-135