263c2 Standby timer (defaults to 6 s)4 s–30 min, No limit Choose how long the camera continuesto meter exposure when no operationsare performed (0 54).c3 Self-timerSelf-timer delay Choose the length of the shutter releasedelay, the number of shots taken, andthe interval between shots in self-timermode.Number of shotsInterval between shotsc4 Monitor off delayPlayback Choose how long the monitor remainson when no operations are performed.MenusInformation displayImage reviewLive viewc5 Remote on duration (ML-L3) (defaults to 1 min)1 min–15 min Select the length of time the camera willwait for a signal from the remote beforecancelling remote control mode(0 175).d Shooting/displayd1 CL mode shooting speed (defaults to 3 fps)7 fps–1 fps Choose the frame advance rate forC L (continuous low-speed) mode.d2 Max. continuous release (defaults to 100)1–100 Choose the maximum number of shotsthat can be taken in a single burst incontinuous release mode.