279Technical NotesRead this chapter for information on compatible accessories,cleaning and storing the camera, and what to do if an errormessage is displayed or you encounter problems using thecamera.Compatible CPU LensesNikon recommends CPU lenses (IX Nikkor lenses excluded) andin particular type G, E, and D lenses, which support the full rangeof features offered by the camera.Compatible LensesCamera setting Focus mode Shootingmode Metering systemAFMF (withelectronicrangefinder)1 MOthermodesL2M3N4 45Lens/accessory 3D ColorType G, E, or D 6 ; AF-S, AF-P,AF-I z z z z z — z zPC-E NIKKOR series 7, 8 — z9 z z z — z zPC NIKKOR 19mm f/4EED 8, 10 — z9 z z z — z zPC Micro 85mm f/2.8D 11 — z9 z — z — z zAF-S/AF-I teleconverter z12 z12 z z z — z zOther AF NIKKOR (exceptlenses for F3AF) z z13 z z — ✔ z —AI-P NIKKOR — z14 z z — ✔ z —1 Manual focus is available with all lenses.2 Matrix.3 Center-weighted.4 Spot (meters selected focus point).5 Highlight-weighted.