®Instruction Manuali-Series SensorsPage 20 i-Series Sensors - Rev. 00 as of 28.09.2012Fig. 6-5 Sensor dimensions i-10, front tread mount6.3 Installation and Connection of i-Series Sensors6.3.1 GeneralThe sensors mounting place has to be selected according to certain criteria.Please strictly avoid:- heat emitting objects (max. ambient temperature: +80 °C (176 °F))- objects with strong electromagnetic fields (e.g. frequency converters, electricmotors with high power consumption or similar)- corrosive chemicals or gas- mechanical shocks- vibrations- radioactive radiation- installation close to footpaths or travel waysRemoving or loosening cable glands results in leakage and causes a failure inthe measurement / the sensor.No sensor parts are allowed to be removed on principle!To avoid disturbances from electrical interferences, the sensor cable must notbe laid close to (or parallel to) engine (motor) lines or main power lines.