Instruction Manuali-Series Sensors®i-Series Sensors - Rev. 00 as of 28.09.2012 Page 459.4 mA OutputP834 mA Low LevelThis parameter sets, in Measurement Units (P104), the value of ‘level’, ‘distance’or ‘space’, depending on the selected Mode of Operation (P100), at which 4 mAwill occur.P835 mA High LevelThis parameter sets, in Measurement Units (P104), the value of ‘level’, ‘distance’or ‘space’, depending on the selected Mode of Operation (P100), at which 20mA output will occur.P838 mA Low TrimIf the device you are connected to is not calibrated, and not showing the low val-ue, then you can trim it using this parameter. You can either type in the offset di-rectly, or use the arrow keys to move the output up and down until you get theexpected result on the device that is connected.P839 mA High TrimIf the device you are connected to is not calibrated, and not showing the highvalue, then you can trim it using this parameter. You can either type in the offsetdirectly, or use the arrow keys to move the output up and down until you get theexpected result on the device that is connected.P808 Fail-safe ModeBy default, if a fail-safe condition occurs, then the display, relays and the mAoutput are held at their last known values until a valid reading is obtained.If required, then you can change this so that the unit goes to high (100% ofspan), or low (empty) as follows:Option Description1 = Known (Default) Remain at the last known value2 = High Will fail to the high value (100 % of Span)3 = Low Will fail to the low value (empty)P809 Fail-safe TimeIn the event of a fail-safe condition occurring the fail safe timer determines thetime before fail-safe mode is activated. Default = 2.00 minsIf the timer activates, the unit goes into fail-safe, as determined by P808, (Dis-play and P840 (mA Output). When this happens, you will see the message“LOE!” on the display.When a valid measurement is obtained then the display, relays and mA outputwill be restored and the timer is reset.