®Instruction Manuali-Series SensorsPage 34 i-Series Sensors - Rev. 00 as of 28.09.2012Gives a graphical indication of the Empty Distance (P105) and Maximum Span(P106) along with current level being measured.7.4.2 ConfigurationParameter Get/SetGet:Will read and display the current value of the parameter selected along with the‘units’ of measurement, where used, and the description of the parameter se-lected. Select the desired parameter form the drop down ‘Parameter’ box and‘click’ ‘Get’Set:Allows the value of the selected parameter to be changed. Select the desiredparameter form the drop down ‘Parameter’ box enter required value in the ‘Val-ue’ box and ‘click’ ‘Set’For a full list of available parameters see Chapter 5 Parameter Guide.4 – 20 mA TrimIf the device connected to the mA output is out of calibration, and cannot be cal-ibrated, then the low and high current levels can be trimmed by altering Set 4mA (P838Low Trim) and Set 20 mA (P839 High Trim). To do this, simply enterthe value that ensures that 4 mA or 20 mA respectively are shown on the remotedevice.