®Instruction Manuali-Series SensorsPage 50 i-Series Sensors - Rev. 00 as of 28.09.201210 TroubleshootingThis section describes many common symptoms, with suggestions as to what todo.Symptom What to DoSensor not firing. Check power supplyUnit indicates a “L0E”situation.No valid echo being received and unit has goneinto fault condition. Check material level is not outof range, sensor is perpendicular to material sur-face.Incorrect reading beingobtained for currentlevel.Measure actual distance from Sensor face to sur-face of material. Access P21, via PC Software typein the measured distance, and Set Parameter.4-20 mA current fixedeven though level ischanging.Poll address is above 0, and is in multi drop mode.Material level is con-sistently incorrect by thesame amount.Check empty level (P105) correctly entered.