®Instruction Manuali-Series SensorsPage 54 i-Series Sensors - Rev. 00 as of 28.09.201212 Maintenance and CleaningDuring standard use the NivuMaster sensor does not get in contact with themeasurement medium and therefore is virtually maintenance-free. If the sensorface however should get dirty due to medium contact (immersion) or ambientconditions (dust) clean the sensor face carefully with a damp cloth.Never use aggressive cleansing agents (such as thinner). For heavy pollutionNIVUS recommends the use of surface-active agents. The use of abrasivecleansing agents is not allowed.If you wish to clean or dismantle the sensor please disconnect the unit frommains before.No hard objects such as wire brushes, rods, scrapers or similar shall be used toclean the sensor. Using a high pressure cleaner may lead to sensor damageand measurement failures and thus is not allowed.In various countries it may be necessary to carry out regular maintenance withcomparative measurements in particular applications to comply with official regu-lations. If desired, NIVUS is going to carry out all required verifications, hydraulicand technical assessment, calibration, troubleshooting and repairs if an accord-ing maintenance agreement has been contracted. These services will be carriedout according to DIN 19559 incl. the agreed proof of the remaining residual er-ror, as well as according to rules in the respective countries.13 EmergencyIn case of emergency- press the emergency-off button of the main system or- set the slide switch on the unit to OFF.14 Dismantling/DisposalThe device shall be disposed according to the local regulations for electronicproducts.