Instruction ManualOCM FOCM F - Rev. 04 as of 18.02.2014 Page 217.3.3 Hints for the avoidance of Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)Important Note:Since the OCM F does not require any power source please disconnect theunit from mains prior to maintenance works to minimise danger and risks dueto electrostatic discharge.The sensitive electronic components inside the device can be damaged by staticelectricity, which can impair the device performance or even cause the device tofail. The manufacturer recommends the following steps to prevent any damageto the device caused by electrostatic discharges:− Make sure to discharge any static electricity from your body before touchingthe electronic modules of the unit (such as circuit boards as well as theircomponents). To do so touch a grounded metallic surface, such as the en-closure frame or a metal pipe.− Avoid any unnecessary movements to prevent built-up static charges.− Use antistatic containers or packaging to transport the static sensitive com-ponents.− Prevent damage to internal electronics from electrostatic discharges (ESD)by discharging your body to a grounding point (e.g. use of wrist strap)− Do not touch components sensitive to static electricity outside of antistaticworking areas. Always use antistatic floor covering and working surfaces ifpossible.7.4 Electrical InstallationImportant Note:All installation work, which is described in the following section, must be car-ried out by NIVUS staff only due to reasons of safety and guarantee.