18C o n t a c t s l i s tSend bus. card — Send thecontact a business card.Edit name — Edit the name of thecontact.View name — View the name ofthe contact.Delete — Delete the entire e-mailentry from your contacts list.Edit web address1. Highlight the web address entryyou want to edit and selectOptions.2. Select the option you wish toperform, then OK.■ Delete contacts listentries1. In the standby mode, selectContacts > Delete.2. To delete individual entries, scrollto One by one.3. Scroll to the entry you wish todelete, and select Delete > OK toconfirm.4. To delete the entire contents ofyour contacts list, select Deleteall > OK.5. Enter the security code, andselect OK. See ”Security settings”on page 39 for more information.■ Add number list entriesAdd number allows you to tag eachphone number entry with a phonetype.1. In the standby mode, selectContacts > Add number.2. Highlight a contact from the list,and select Add.3. Select the tag as General, Mobile,Home, Office, or Fax, and enterthe number.■ SettingsSettings allows you to determinehow your phone numbers are viewedand how much memory remains inthe contacts list.1. In the standby mode, selectContacts > Settings.2. Select Scrolling view to selecthow names and numbers areviewed in Contacts list.3. Select Memory status todetermine the amount of spaceavailable in Contacts list.■ Voice tagsVoice tags allows you to playback,change or delete voice tags.In the standby mode, selectContacts > Voice tags, scroll to avoice tag, and select Options >Playback, Change, or Delete.