22M e s s a g e sRead and replyWhen you receive a message, anotification message displays andthe unopened letter icon ( )appears in the display.1. Select Show to read the messageor Exit to dismiss the notificationmessage.Use the scroll keys to view thewhole message, if necessary.When unopened messages are inyour inbox, is shown in theupper left corner during standbymode as a reminder.2. Select Options > Reply > Emptyscreen.3. Compose your reply using thekeypad, and select Options > Send.Choose a message optionCreate message optionsWhen you create or reply to a textmessage, depending on the mode oftext input you are using and thefeatures supported by your wirelessservice provider, some or all of thefollowing options are available:Preview — If a message contains apicture, previews the insertedpicture before sending. Select Backto return to the list of options.Send — Send the message to onerecipient.List recipients — Send the messageto more than one recipient.Settings — Set the priority of themessage.Save — Select Sent items tosave the message in the sent itemsfolder; select Templates to save themessage as one of your predefinedtemplates; select Archive to save themessage in your archive.Clear text — Erases all text from yourmessage.Exit editor — Save the message toyour sent items folder automatically,and leave the message editor.Insert contact — Insert a name fromyour contacts list into your message.Insert number — Insert a phonenumber or find a phone number inthe contacts list.Use template — Insert a predefinedtemplate into your message.Insert picture — Insert a picture intoyour message.Change picture — Takes you back tothe picture list. Scroll to highlight anew picture, select View > Insert toreplace the previous picture in yourmessage.Delete picture — Select OK to deletethe picture from your message, orselect Back to return to the list ofoptions.