ContactsYou can save names and phone numbers (contacts) inthe device memory and in the SIM card memory.The device memory can save contacts with additionaldetails, such as various phone numbers and text items.You can also save an image for a limited number ofcontacts.The SIM card memory can save names with one phonenumber attached to them. The contacts saved in the SIMcard memory are indicated by .Save names and phonenumbersNames and numbers are saved in the used memory.the number type indicator (for example, ). When youselect a name from contacts (for example, to make acall), the default number is used unless you selectanother number.Make sure that the memory in use is Phone or Phoneand SIM. See "Settings," p. 33.Search for the contact to add a detail, and selectDetails > Options > Add detail.Select from the available options.SettingsThese settings define where the contact information isstored, how it is displayed, and how much memoryContacts-530A-4232-B1A2-AD8C3D7641D3.en.200703261012075611174893494768/en/1/GUID-E9B10502-9BEE-452E-A2EB-4A477D49C6EB.xml-530A-4232-B1A2-AD8C3D7641D3.en.200703261012075611174893494768/en/1/GUID-E9B10502-9BEE-452E-A2EB-4A477D49C6EB.xml