![Nokia 3110c User Manual Manual pdf 58 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/3970507/512dfadeb85cefe7e694cb027f2798bd58f.jpg)
To select the alarm tone or set the radio as the alarmtone, select Alarm tone. If you select the radio as analarm tone, connect the headset to the device.To set a snooze time-out, select Snooze time-out andthe time.Stop the alarmWhen the alarm time is reached, the device sounds analert tone and flashes Alarm! and the current time onthe display, even if the device is switched off.To stop the alarm, select Stop. If you let the devicecontinue to sound the alarm for a minute or selectSnooze, the alarm stops for the time you set in Snoozetime-out, then resumes.If the alarm time is reached while the device is switchedoff, the device switches itself on and starts sounding thealarm tone. If you select Stop, the device asks whetheryou want to activate the device for calls. Select No toswitch off the device or Yes to make and receive calls.Do not select Yes when wireless device use may causeinterference or danger.In Settings you can set the date, time, time zone, dateor time format, date separator, default view, or the firstday of the week. In Auto-delete notes you can set thedevice to delete old notes automatically after aspecified time.Make a calendar noteSelect Menu > Organiser > Calendar.Scroll to the date, and select Options > Make a noteand one of the following note types: Meeting,Call, Birthday, Memo, or Reminder. Fill inthe fields.Note alarmThe device displays the note, and, if an alarm is set,sounds a tone. If a call note is displayed, press thecall key to make the call.To stop the alarm and to view the note, select View. ToOrganizer-530A-4232-B1A2-AD8C3D7641D3.en.200703261012075611174893494768/en/1/GUID-E9B10502-9BEE-452E-A2EB-4A477D49C6EB.xml-530A-4232-B1A2-AD8C3D7641D3.en.200703261012075611174893494768/en/1/GUID-E9B10502-9BEE-452E-A2EB-4A477D49C6EB.xmlstop the alarm for a while, select Snooze. To stop