To view a note, scroll to it, and select View. Whileviewing a note, you can also select an option to edit theattributes. You can also select an option to delete theNotesTo write and send notes, select Menu > Organiser >Notes.To make a note if no note is added, select Add note;otherwise, select Options > Make a note. Write thenote, and select Save.CalculatorThe calculator in your device provides basic arithmeticand trigonometric functions, calculates the square andthe square root, the inverse of a number, and convertscurrency # for a decimal point, and select OK. The exchangerate remains in the memory until you replace it withanother one. To perform the currency conversion, enterthe amount to be converted, and select Options > Indomestic or In foreign.Note: When you change the base currency, youmust enter new exchange rates because all previouslyset exchange rates are cleared.TimersCountdown timer1. To activate the countdown timer, select Menu >Organiser > Timer > Normal timer, enter thealarm time, and write a note that is displayed whenthe time expires. To change the countdown time,select Change time.2. To start the timer, select Start.3. To stop the timer, select Stop timer.Interval timerOrganizer-530A-4232-B1A2-AD8C3D7641D3.en.200703261012075611174893494768/en/1/GUID-E9B10502-9BEE-452E-A2EB-4A477D49C6EB.xml-530A-4232-B1A2-AD8C3D7641D3.en.200703261012075611174893494768/en/1/GUID-E9B10502-9BEE-452E-A2EB-4A477D49C6EB.xmlselected note or delete all.