General informationAccess codesSecurity codeThe security code (5 to 10 digits) helps to protect yourphone against unauthorized use. The preset code is12345. You can change the code, and set the phone torequest the code. See "Security," p. 44.PIN codesThe personal identification number (PIN) code and theuniversal personal identification number (UPIN) code (4to 8 digits) help to protect your SIM card againstunauthorized use. See "Security," p. 44.PUK codesThe personal unblocking key (PUK) code and theuniversal personal unblocking key (UPUK) code (8digits) are required to change a blocked PIN code andUPIN code, respectively. The PUK2 code (8 digits) isrequired to change a blocked PIN2 code. If the codes arenot supplied with the SIM card, contact your localservice provider for the codes.Barring passwordThe barring password (4 digits) is required when usingthe Call barring service. See "Security," p. 44.General information-530A-4232-B1A2-AD8C3D7641D3.en.200703261012075611174893494768/en/1/GUID-E9B10502-9BEE-452E-A2EB-4A477D49C6EB.xml