• Call divert — to divert your incoming calls (networkservice). You may not be able to divert your calls ifsome call barring functions are active. See"Security," p. 44.• Voice clarity — Select Active to enhance speechintelligibility especially in noisy environments.• Anykey answer — Select On to answer an incomingcall by briefly pressing any key, except the power key,the left and right selection keys, or the end key.• Automatic redial — Select On to make a maximumof 10 attempts to connect the call after anunsuccessful call attempt.• Speed dialling — Select On to dial the names andphone numbers assigned to the number keys 2 to 9by pressing and holding the corresponding numberkey.• Call waiting — Select Activate to have the networknotify you of an incoming call while you have a callin progress (network service). See "Answer or rejecta call," p. 19.• Summary after call — Select On to briefly displaythe approximate duration after each call.• Send my caller ID — Select Yes to show your phone• Language settings — To set the display languageof your device, select Phone language.Automatic selects the language according to theinformation on the SIM card. To select the USIM cardlanguage, select SIM language. To set a languagefor the voice playback, select Voice recognitionlanguage. See "Enhanced voice dialing," p. 19.• Security keyguard — To set the device to ask forthe security code when you unlock the keyguard.Enter the security code, and select On.• Automatic keyguard — to lock the keypadautomatically after a preset time delay when thedevice is in the standby mode and no function of thedevice has been used. Select On, and set the time.• Welcome note — to write the note that is shownwhen the device is switched on• Flight query — The device asks every time when itis switched on whether you want to use the flightprofile. With the flight profile, all radio connectionsare switched off. The flight profile should be used inareas sensitive to radio emissions.• Phone updates — to receive software updates fromyour service provider (network service). This optionSettings-530A-4232-B1A2-AD8C3D7641D3.en.200703261012075611174893494768/en/1/GUID-E9B10502-9BEE-452E-A2EB-4A477D49C6EB.xml-530A-4232-B1A2-AD8C3D7641D3.en.200703261012075611174893494768/en/1/GUID-E9B10502-9BEE-452E-A2EB-4A477D49C6EB.xml