32. Preparing the phone for useBefore you can use your new phone, you need to:1 Insert a miniature SIM card (available from your serviceprovider).2 Attach and charge the battery.If you purchased an optional analog module, you shouldattach it to the phone.Note: The analog module is a separate accessory that may bepurchased from your service provider. It allows you to makeand receive calls in analog networks. See ‘Optional analogmodule’ on page 70.Inserting the SIM cardThe SIM card and its contacts can be easily damaged byscratches or bending, so be careful when you handle, insert,or remove the card.Note: Keep all miniature SIM cards out of small children’sreach.1 Ensure that the phone is off and the battery is notattached.2 Open the SIM card holder onthe back of the phone bysliding the latch toward thetop of the phone, then liftingit up.3 Place the SIM card in theslot. Make sure that thebevelled corner is at top rightand the card’s gold contactsface into the phone.