52Sending a messageAfter writing a message, press Options, scroll to Send, thenpress OK. Enter the recipient’s phone number or find it inthe phone book, or enter an e-mail address, then press OK.The message is sent using the currently selected messagesetting (see ‘Message settings’ on page 55).Sending using alternate message settingSend special allows you to send a message using an alternatemessage setting (see ‘Message settings’ on page 55).You choose a setting to use, then specify whether you wantto enter a phone number (Numeric) or a routing address(Text/numbers). The phone will prompt you for the numberor routing address.Note: If you choose to send the message by e-mail, the phoneprompts you for the e-mail address and number if you chooseNumeric or the e-mail address and routing address if youchoose Text/numbers.A routing address may be required when sending messagesvia fax, page, or e-mail. For help using this feature, contactyour service provider.Reading a messageWhen you receive a text message, the phone displaysMessage received and the indicator, and makes asound (depending on the message alert tone; see page 21).To read the message, press Read. This takes you to theInbox, with the new message selected. Press Read again.If necessary, use the scroll keys to read the entire message.After reaching the end of the message, use the scroll keys toview the sender’s name or phone number, and the date andtime the message was received.When you’ve seen the last new message, the indicatordisappears.