71Analog featuresIn order for you to use the analog module, your serviceprovider will have to add certain information to your SIMcard. See your service provider for details.Once you have inserted the upgraded SIM card and attachedthe analog module, your phone gives you access to analognetwork features. Note that some features described in thismanual will not be available due to the difference betweendigital and analog networks.While in analog mode, the phone displays the icon inthe top left corner and the word Analog in the top centerof the display.Digital/analog selectionUse Menu 4 4 1 to choose a mode for your phone. Note thatyour phone automatically resets itself to Digit. & analogeach time you turn it on.Digit. & analog means the phone will work in digital or analognetworks. The phone tries to find a digital network but selectsan analog network if no digital network is available.Digital only forces the phone to use GSM 1900 digitalnetworks only.Analog only forces the phone to use analog networks only.Note: It might take up to a minute for the phone to switchfrom one setting to another.Analog system selectionIn each analog service area there are usually two serviceproviders. The service provider you sign up with, also knownas your home system, is of type A or B. Systems that are ofthe same type as your home system are called “home-type”systems; systems that are of the opposite type as your homesystem are called “non-home-type” systems.