● Use chargers indoors.● Always create a backup of data you want to keep, such ascontacts and calendar notes.● To reset the device from time to time for optimumperformance, power off the device and remove thebattery.These suggestions apply equally to your device, battery,charger, or any accessory. If any device is not workingproperly, take it to the nearest authorised service facility forservice.RecycleAlways return your used electronic products, batteries, andpackaging materials to a dedicated collection point. This wayyou help prevent uncontrolled waste disposal and promotethe recycling of materials. More detailed information isavailable from the product retailer, local waste authorities,national producer responsibility organisations, or your localNokia representative. Check how to recycle your Nokiaproducts at www.nokia.com/werecycle, or if browsing on amobile device, www.nokia.mobi/werecycle.The crossed-out wheeled-bin symbol on your product,battery, literature, or packaging reminds you that allelectrical and electronic products, batteries, andaccumulators must be taken to separate collection atthe end of their working life. This requirement applies in theEuropean Union. Do not dispose of these products asunsorted municipal waste. For more environmentalinformation, see the product Eco-Declarations atwww.nokia.com/environment.Additional safety informationSmall childrenYour device and its accessories may contain small parts. Keepthem out of the reach of small children.Operating environmentThis device meets RF exposure guidelines when used eitherin the normal use position against the ear or when positionedat least 1.5 centimetres (5/8 inch) away from the body. Whena carry case, belt clip, or holder is used for body-wornoperation, it should not contain metal and should positionthe device the above-stated distance from your body.To transmit data files or messages, this device requires aquality connection to the network. In some cases,transmission of data files or messages may be delayed untilsuch a connection is available. Ensure the above separationdistance instructions are followed until the transmission iscompleted.Parts of the device are magnetic. Metallic materials may beattracted to the device. Do not place credit cards or otherAdditional safety information© 2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.106