Empty the cacheThe information or services you have accessed are stored inthe cache memory of the device.A cache is a memory location that is used to store datatemporarily. If you have tried to access or have accessedconfidential information requiring passwords, empty thecache after each use.To empty the cache, select Options > Clear privacy data >Cache.Connection securityIf the security indicator ( ) is displayed during a connection,the data transmission between the device and the internetgateway or server is encrypted.The security icon does not indicate that the data transmissionbetween the gateway and the content server (or the placewhere the requested resource is stored) is secure. The serviceprovider secures the data transmission between the gatewayand the content server.Security certificates may be required for some services, suchas banking services. You are notified if the identity of theserver is not authentic or if you do not have the correctsecurity certificate in your device. For more information,contact your service provider.Important: Even if the use of certificates makes therisks involved in remote connections and softwareinstallation considerably smaller, they must be used correctlyin order to benefit from increased security. The existence ofa certificate does not offer any protection by itself; thecertificate manager must contain correct, authentic, ortrusted certificates for increased security to be available.Certificates have a restricted lifetime. If "Expired certificate"or "Certificate not valid yet" is shown, even if the certificateshould be valid, check that the current date and time in yourdevice are correct.Before changing any certificate settings, you must make surethat you really trust the owner of the certificate and that thecertificate really belongs to the listed owner.18. SearchSearchSelect Menu > Internet > Search.Search enables you to use various internet-based searchservices to find and connect to, for example, local services,websites, and images. The content and availability of theservices may vary.Start a searchSelect Menu > Internet > Search.Search© 2008 Nokia. All rights reserved.86