M e s s a g e s ( M e n u 1 )28 Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.1. At the standby mode screen,select Menu > Messages >Voice messages > Voice mailboxnumber.The Voice mailbox numberscreen appears in the display.2. If the box is empty, enter thevoice mailbox area code andnumber.3. Press OK.Call and setup your voicemail1. Once you have saved the voicemailbox number, press and holdthe 1 key.2. When you connect to voice mailand the prerecorded greetingbegins, follow the service’sautomated instructions to setupyour voice mail.Listen to your voice messagemessagesOnce you have setup voice mail, youcan dial the voice mailbox number inone of five ways:• Dial the number using thekeypad.• Press and hold the 1 key.• Press the 1 key and the Send key.• Press Listen if there is anotification message in thedisplay.• At the standby mode screen,select Menu > Messages > Voicemessages > Listen to voicemessages.Once you connect and theprerecorded greeting begins,follow the automatedinstructions to listen to yourvoice messages.Automate voice mailYou can insert special characterscalled dialling codes into phonenumbers such as voice mail, andsave the number to a speed diallinglocation. Dialling codes instruct thereceiving system to pause, wait,bypass, or accept the numbers thatfollow them in the dialling string.Note: Voice mail servicesvary by service provider. Thefollowing instructions areexamples of commonoperations. Please check withyour service provider forspecific instructions for usingyour voice mail service.