M e s s a g e s ( M e n u 1 )30 Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.To dial and listen to your voice mail,press and hold the assigned speeddialling key at the standby modescreen.■ Minibrowser messagesMinibrowser messaging is a networkservice. See "Network Services", ixfor more information.If your wireless service providersupports this feature, you can usethe Minibrowser to check for e-mailmessages. At the standby modescreen, select Menu > Messages >Minibrowser messages > Connect.See "Mobile Web (Menu 9)", 80 formore information on using theMinibrowser in your phone to accessweb pages.■ Message foldersSave drafts and receivedmessages to foldersYou can save drafts of messages orreceived messages to an existingfolder or to a folder that you havecreated.1. Open the received message orcreate a new message, and pressOptions.2. To save a received message,select Save message > Sentitems, Saved text msgs.,Templates, or a folder you havecreated on your own.3. To save a draft of a message youare creating, select Savemessage > Drafts or TemplatesView saved messages1. At the standby mode screen,select Menu > Messages > Textmessages.2. Select the folder containing themessage you wish to view:Inbox—Messages areautomatically stored in thisfolder after they have been reador if you press Back when themessage notification appears onthe standby mode screen.Sent items—Messages that havebeen sent are automaticallystored in this folder.Drafts—Messages created, butnot sent are automatically storedin this folder.Saved text msgs.—Storemessages that have been readand that you want to keep in thisfolder.Templates—Pictures andprewritten templates are storedin this folder. Preloadedtemplates can be edited andpersonalised.