S e t t i n g s ( M e n u 7 )70 Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.Automatic—The phoneautomatically searches forservice in another digitalnetwork. If one is not found, thephone uses analog service. Theroaming rate applies when not inthe home service area.3. Press OK, if necessary, to confirmthe activation.ModeYour phone works in Digital modeonly.■ Network servicesThe following features are networkservices. See "Network Services", ixfor more information.Store a feature code1. At the standby mode screen,select Menu > Settings >Network services > Networkfeature setting.2. Enter the feature code from yourservice provider (for example,*633 Divert if busy), and pressOK.3. Select the type of diverting thatmatches the feature code youentered (for example, Call divert).The activated feature code is nowstored in your phone, and you arereturned to the Feature code:field. Continue entering otherfeature codes (for example,*633), or press the End key toreturn to the standby modescreen.Note: Once you enter anetwork feature codesuccessfully the featurebecomes visible in theNetwork services menu.Call divertingCall diverting tells your network toredirect incoming calls to anothernumber. Call diverting is a networkservice and may not work the samein all networks, so contact yourwireless provider for availability.ActivateNote: This is a networkservice. All options listed maynot appear in the display.Contact your wirelessprovider for moreinformation.1. At the standby mode screen,select Menu > Settings >Network services > Call divert.2. Select Divert all calls.3. Select Activate.4. Scroll to the destination to whichyour calls will be diverted, andpress Select.