O r g a n i s e r ( M e n u 8 )Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved. 75Call—You are prompted to entera phone number, a name, and thetime. You are then given theoption to set an alarm.Birthday—You are prompted toenter the person’s name, and yearof birth. You are then given theoption to set an alarm.Memo—You are prompted toenter a subject and an end date.You are then given the option toset an alarm.Reminder—You are prompted toenter the subject you wish to bereminded about, you are thengiven the option to set an alarm.4. Enter your note, and selectOptions > Save.View notes (day view)After you have created somecalendar notes, you can view themas follows:1. At the standby mode screen,select Menu > Organiser >Calendar.2. Scroll to the date containing thenote. (Any days containing noteswill be in bold font.)3. To view a highlighted note, selectView.Options while viewing a listof notes1. Press Options while viewing aday’s notes to display thefollowing options:The options listed below areavailable either while viewing thebody of a note or viewing theheader of a note.View—View the full note.Make a note—Create a new notefor the selected date.Delete—Delete the note.Edit—Edit the note.Move—Move the note to anotherdate on your calendar.Repeat—Enable the note to recuron a regular basis (daily, weekly,biweekly, monthly, and yearly).Go to date—Jump to anotherdate on your calendar.Go to today—Jump to the currentday on your calendar.Go to To-do list—Jump to the To-do list on your calendar.Send note—Send the note toanother device as a text messageor in calendar-to- calendar (vCal)format.Copy—Copy the note. You canthen paste the note to anotherdate.