C o n n e c t i v i t y ( M e n u 1 0 )Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved. 85To save the item for later viewing,select Exit.Depending on the nature of the itemit is saved in the appropriate menu inyour phone. For example, a businesscard would be saved in Contacts,and a calendar note would be savedin Calendar.■ InfraredYou can set up the phone to receivedata through its IR port. To use an IRconnection, transmission andreception must be to or from an IRcompatible phone or device.Do not point the IR (infrared) beamat anyone’s eye or allow it tointerfere with other IR devices. Thisdevice is a Class 1 laser product.Send and receive data1. Ensure that the IR ports of thesending and receiving devices arepointing at each other and thatthere are no obstructionsbetween the devices.The preferable distance betweenthe two devices in an IRconnection is from 3 inches to 3feet.2. Activate IR in your phone byselecting Menu > Settings >Connectivity > Infrared.3. The user of the other deviceshould activate IR as well.If data transfer is not started withintwo minutes after the activation ofthe IR port, the connection iscancelled and must be restarted.Connection indicator• When is showncontinuously, the IR connectionis activated and your phone isready to send or receive datausing its IR port.• When blinks, your phone istrying to connect to the otherdevice or a connection has beenlost.■ USB data transferYou can transfer data such as music,photos and videos from your phoneto a compatible PC, or from acompatible PC to your phone using aDKU-2 USB data cable. The cable isconnected to your phone correctlywhen the arrowhead points towardthe mini display screen, or thedisplay screen if the fold is opened.Important: Disconnect theUSB data cable from thephone to make a call.