3. Scroll to the Text: field, and enter the message text.4. To attach content to the message, scroll to theattachment bar at the bottom of the display andselect the desired type of content.5. To send the message, press Send.The message type is indicated at the top of the displayand changes automatically depending on the contentof the message.Service providers may charge differently depending onthe message type. Check with your service provider fordetails.Read a message and replyImportant: Exercise caution when openingmessages. Messages may contain malicious softwareor otherwise be harmful to your device or PC.Your phone issues a notification when you receive amessage. Select View to display the message. If morethan one message was received, to display a message,select the message from the Inbox and Open. Use thescroll key to view all parts of the message.To create an answer message, select Reply.Send messagesMessage sendingTo send the message, select Send. The phone saves themessage in the Outbox folder, and the sending starts.Note: The message sent icon or text on yourdevice screen does not indicate that the message isreceived at the intended destination.If message sending is interrupted, the phone tries toresend the message a few times. If these attempts fail,the message remains in the Outbox folder. To cancelthe sending of the messages in the Outbox folder,select Options > Cancel sending.To save the sent messages in the Sent items folder,select Menu > Messaging > Message settings >General settings > Save sent messages.Organise your messagesThe phone saves received messages in the Inboxfolder. Organise your messages in the saved itemsfolder.To add, rename, or delete a folder, select Menu >Messaging > Saved items > Options.E-mailAccess your POP3 or IMAP4 e-mail account with yourphone to read, write and send e-mail. This e-mailapplication is different from the SMS e-mail function.Before you can use e-mail, you must have an e-mailaccount and the correct settings. To check theavailability and the settings of your e-mail account,contact your e-mail service provider. You may receivethe e-mail configuration settings as a configurationmessage. See "Configuration setting service", p. 8.21 Messaging