Nokia original accessoriesWarning: Use only batteries, chargers, andaccessories approved by Nokia for use with thisparticular model. The use of any other types mayinvalidate any approval or warranty, and may bedangerous.For availability of approved accessories, check withyour dealer.An extensive range ofaccessories is available for yourdevice. For more details, rules about accessories● Keep all accessories out of the reach of smallchildren.● When you disconnect the power cord of anyaccessory, grasp and pull the plug, not the cord.● Check regularly that accessories installed in a vehicleare mounted and are operating properly.● Installation of any complex car accessories must bemade by qualified personnel only.BatteryType Battery Talk time StandbyBL-5F Li-Ion Up to240/360minutes(WCDMA/GSM)Up to370/400hours(WCDMA/GSM)Important: Battery talk and stand-by times areestimates and only possible under optimal networkconditions. Actual battery talk and standby timesdepend on SIM cards, features used, battery age andcondition, temperatures to which battery is exposed,network conditions, and many other factors, and maybe significantly shorter than those specified above.Ringing tones, hands free call handling, use in digitalmode, and other features will also consume thebattery, and the amount of time a device is used forcalls will affect its stand-by time. Likewise, the amountof time that the device is turned on and in the standbymode will affect its talk time.55 Nokia original accessories