M e s s a g i n g16interrupted while sending, the textmessage is stored in the Outbox untilanother delivery attempt is made.Sent items—Sent text messages arestored in Sent items.Drafts—Save incomplete text messagesin a draft. Store drafts of text messagesin Drafts to be completed at a latertime.Archive—Save text messages inArchive.Templates—Select from a collection ofprewritten Templates, when creatingtext messages. Preloaded Templatescan be edited and personalised.My folders—Create and name personalfolders.Delete messages—Delete messagesfrom a selected folder or all folders.Message settings—Change settings forreading, writing, and sending textmessages.Send numeric page—Send a numericpage.Add-ins—Add a sound, animation, orpicture object.Styles—Change font appearance andsize, and text alignment.Write and send textmessages1. In standby mode, select Menu >Messaging > Text messages >Create message.To go quickly to the Createmessage screen, scroll left instandby mode.2. Compose a text message using thekeypad. See “Choose a textmessage option”, p. 17 forcomposing options.3. Select Send to > Recently used,Send to number, Send to many, orSend to distribution list (if you havecreated one).4. Select a number or distribution list,enter the recipient’s phone numberor e-mail address, or select Searchto retrieve a number or e-mailaddress from your contacts list;select Send.9244299_6265_en_au_oth.fm Page 16 Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:07 AM