C a m e r a417. CameraYou can take photos and record videoclips with the built-in camera andadjust its settings. The camera lens ison the back of the phone.The camera produces photos in JPEGformat and video clips in H.263 (QCIF)format. After you take a picture orvideo, you can attach it to amultimedia message, send it as amultimedia message, save it as awallpaper, save it to a compatible PCusing Nokia PC Suite software, andupload it to a Web address with thecontent image uploader. When youattach a picture to a contact, thepicture is displayed when the contactcalls you.If there is not enough memory to takea new photo, delete old photos or otherfiles in the Gallery.This device supports an image captureresolution of 320 x 240 pixels on thedisplay. The image resolutions in thesematerials may appear different.Keep a safe distance when using theflash. Do not use the flash on people oranimals at close range. Do not coverthe flash while taking a picture.When the phone is in camera mode,the interface will switch from portraitto landscape. Turn the phone on itsside to use the camera and view theavailable options.■ Take a photoYou can use your camera to takephotographs. To take a picture,complete the following steps:1. In standby mode, press the camerakey or select Menu > Camera. Thisactivates the camera. The display isnow landscape.If you are in Video mode, selectOptions > Still image to switch toStill image mode.2. To take a picture, press the camerakey or select Capture to take the9244299_6265_en_au_oth.fm Page 41 Wednesday, October 26, 2005 11:07 AM