M e n u f u n c t i o n s48 Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.Display brightnessYou can change the brightness levelof the phone display.Press Menu and select Settings,Display settings and Displaybrightness. Move the joystick to theleft to decrease and to the right toincrease the brightness level, andpress OK to accept it.Tone settingsPress Menu and select Settings andTone settings. You can find the samesettings in the Profiles menu, see”Profiles (Menu 3)” on page 42. Notethat the settings you make, willchange the settings in the activeprofile.Select Incoming call alert to choosehow the phone notifies you of anincoming voice call. The options areRinging, Ascending, Ring once, Beeponce and Off.Select Ringing tone for incomingvoice calls. To select ringing tonesthat have been saved in the Gallery,select Open gallery from the ringingtone list.Select Ringing volume andVibrating alert for incoming voicecalls and incoming messages. Thevibrating alert does not work whenthe phone is connected to a charger,a desktop stand, or a car kit.Tip: If you download aringing tone or receive onevia OTA, you can save it inthe Gallery.Select Message alert tone to set thealert tone for incoming messages,Keypad tones, or Warning tones toset the phone to sound tones, forexample when the battery is runningout of power.Select Alert for to set the phone toring only on calls from phonenumbers that belong to a selectedcaller group. Scroll to the callergroup that you want or All calls andpress Mark.Enhancement settingsEnhancement settings menu is onlyshown if the phone is or has beenconnected to one of the followingenhancements: headsets HDB-4 orHDS-3, handsfree unit CARK126 ormobile inductive loopset LPS-4.Press Menu and select Settings andEnhancement settings. You canselect Headset, Handsfree orLoopset if the correspondingenhancement is or has beenconnected to the phone.• Select Default profile to selectthe profile that you want to beautomatically activated whenyou connect to the selectedenhancement. You can selectanother profile while theenhancement is connected.