M e n u f u n c t i o n s60 Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.Downloading an applicationYou can download new Javaapplications in different ways:• Press Menu, select Applicationsand App. downloads and the listof available WAP bookmarks isshown. Select More bookmarksto access the list of WAPbookmarks in the Services menu,see ”Bookmarks” on page 74.Select the appropriate bookmarkto connect to the desired WAPsite. If the connection fails, youmay not be able to access theWAP page from the WAP servicewhose connection settings arecurrently active. In this case,enter the Services menu andactivate another set of servicesettings, see ”Connecting to aWAP service” on 72. Try again toconnect to the WAP site.For the availability of differentWAP services, pricing and tariffs,contact your network operatorand/or the WAP service provider.• Press Menu and select Servicesto find a WAP page to downloadan appropriate Java application,see ”Browsing the pages of aWAP service” on page 73.• Use the game download function,see ”Game downloads” on page58.• Use the Nokia Applicationinstaller from PC Suite todownload the applications toyour phone.Note that Nokia does notwarrant for applicationsfrom non-Nokia sites. If youchoose to download Javaapplications from them, youshould take the sameprecautions, for security orcontent, as you would withany site.Note that when downloading agame or an application, it may besaved in the Games menu instead ofthe Applications menu.Memory status forapplicationsTo view the amount of memoryavailable for game and applicationinstallations, press Menu and selectApplications and Memory.The applications use shared memory,see ”Shared memory” on page xv.