M e n u f u n c t i o n sCopyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved. 752. Scroll to the bookmark that youwant to use and press Options.3. Select one of the followingoptions:Go to to make a connection tothe WAP page associated withthe bookmark.View, Edit or Delete to view,modify or delete the selectedbookmark.Send to send the selectedbookmark directly to anotherphone, select As bookmark, or tosend the bookmark as a textmessage, select As text message.New bookmark to create a newbookmark without connecting tothe WAP service. Key in theaddress and the title of the WAPpage and press OK.Note that your phone may havesome pre-installed bookmarks forsites that are not affiliated to Nokia.Nokia does not guarantee or endorsethese sites. If you choose to accessthem, you should take the sameprecautions for security and contentas you would with any Internet site.Receiving a bookmarkWhen you have received a bookmark,1 bookmark received is displayed.Press View, then press Options andselect View to view the bookmark,Save to save the bookmark, orDiscard to discard it.Service inboxThe phone is able to receive servicemessages (pushed messages) sent byyour service provider. Servicemessages are notifications of, forexample news headlines, and theymay contain a text message or theaddress of a WAP service.To access the Service inbox instandby mode when you havereceived a service message, pressView.• If you press Exit the message ismoved to the Service inbox. Toaccess the Service inbox later,press Menu and select Servicesand Service inbox.To access the Service inbox whilebrowsing, press Options and selectService inbox. Scroll to the messagethat you want, press Options andselect• Retrieve to activate the WMLbrowser and download themarked content.• Details to display detailedinformation about the servicenotification.• Delete to delete the selectedservice notification.