M e n u f u n c t i o n sCopyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved. 791. While browsing, press Optionsand select Cookies or in standbymode, press Menu and selectServices, Settings and Securitysettings.2. Select Cookies and select Allowor Reject to allow or prevent thephone receiving cookies.■ SIMservices(Menu 14)In addition to thefunctions that are available on thephone, your SIM card may provideadditional services that you canaccess in Menu 14. Menu 14 is onlyshown if it is supported by your SIMcard. The name and contents of themenu depend entirely on the serviceavailable.Note: For availability, ratesand information on usingSIM services, contact yourSIM card vendor, e.g.network operator, serviceprovider or other vendor.You can set the phone to show youthe confirmation messages that aresent between your phone and thenetwork when you are using the SIMservices by selecting the option Yesin Phone settings, Confirm SIMservice actions.Note that accessing these servicesmay involve sending a text message(SMS) or making a phone call forwhich you may be charged.