To return to the home screen and leave the FM radioplaying in the background, select Options > Play inbackground.View visual contentTo check availability and costs, and to subscribe to theservice, contact your service provider.Before you can view visual content, you must have aninternet access point defined at Menu > Tools >Settings > Connection > Access points.1. To view available visual content for a tuned station,select Options > Start visual service. If the visualradio service ID has not been saved for the station,enter it, or select Retrieve to search for it in thestation directory (network service).2. Select the location nearest to you from the stationdirectory. If your device finds a station that matchesthe tuned frequency, its visual service ID isdisplayed. To view the visual content, select OK.39CyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlackCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack