To save the numbers or results of a calculation, selectOptions > Memory > Save.To retrieve the results of a calculation from the memoryand use them in a calculation, select Options >Memory > Recall.File managerSelect Menu > Office > File mgr..With File manager, you can manage the contents andproperties of files and folders on your device memoryand memory card. You can open, create, move, copy,rename, send, and search for files and folders.Copyright protection may prevent sending some files.Open the device tab or the memory card tab.To select multiple files, scroll to each file, and selectOptions > Mark/Unmark > Mark.To send the selected files, select Options > Send.To move or copy files or folders to another folder, selectOptions > Move to folder or Copy to folder. Defaultfolders such as Sound clips in Gallery cannot be moved.To search for files, select Options > Find. Enter thesearch text, and press the scroll key. The folders andfiles whose names contain the search text aredisplayed.To view information about the selected file, selectOptions > Details. To view additional informationabout the file online, select Options > Additionaldetails.QuickofficeSelect Menu > Office > Quickoffice.Quickoffice consists of Quickword for Microsoft Word,Quicksheet for Microsoft Excel, Quickpoint for MicrosoftPowerPoint, and Quickmanager for purchasingsoftware. You can view Microsoft Office 2000, XP, and2003 documents (*.doc, *.xls, and *.ppt) withQuickoffice. If you have the editor version ofQuickoffice, you can also edit files.All file formats or features are not supported.Work with filesTo open a file, scroll to it, and press the scroll key.To sort files according to the type, select Options >Sort by.To view the details of a file, select Options >Details. The details include the name, size and locationof the file, and the time and date when the file was lastmodified.To send files to a compatible device, select Options >Send and the sending method.ConverterSelect Menu > Office > Converter.The converter has limited accuracy, and roundingerrors may occur. 67CyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlackCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack