InternetWith your new Eseries device you can browse both theinternet and your company's intranet, and downloadand install new applications to your device. You canalso use your device as a modem and connect your PCto the internet.WebSelect Menu > Web.To browse the web (network service), you need toconfigure the internet access point settings. If you areusing a GPRS connection, your wireless network mustsupport GPRS, and the service must be activated foryour SIM card.Tip: You may receive the internet access pointsettings from your service provider as a specialtext message or from the service provider's webpages. You can also enter the internet accesspoint settings manually. See "Internet accesspoints", p. 42.Check the availability of services, pricing, and fees withyour service provider. Service providers also give youinstructions on how to use their services.Connection securityIf the security indicator ( ) is displayed during aconnection, the data transmission between the deviceand the internet gateway or server is encrypted. Thesecurity icon does not indicate that the datatransmission between the gateway and the contentserver (or place where the requested resource isstored) is secure. The service provider secures the datatransmission between the gateway and the contentserver.Security certificates may be required for some services,such as banking services. You are notified if the identityof the server is not authentic or if you do not have thecorrect security certificate in your device. For moreinformation, contact your service provider.Browse the webTo browse the web, select a bookmark or enter the webaddress manually, and select Go to. Use only servicesthat you trust and that offer adequate security andprotection against harmful software.Tip: When you start to enter the address, theaddresses of the pages you have previouslyvisited that match your input are displayed. To40CyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlackCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack