Initially, your device must receive signals from at leastfour satellites to calculate the coordinates of yourlocation. After the initial calculation, signals from threesatellites may be enough.The data transfer indicator shows theinternet connection used and the amount of datatransferred since the application started.Find locationsTo find a location in the city or area displayed on themap, enter the full or partial address of the location inthe search field, and press the scroll key. To find alocation in another city, enter the city and the full orpartial address, such as London Oxford Street, andpress the scroll key.To find a specific address, or an address in anothercountry, press the scroll key, and select Search >Addresses. Country/Region * and City or post codeare mandatory.Tip: To search for locations in another countryusing the search field, enter also the name of thecountry in the search field: Rome Italy.To import a location address from the Contactsapplication, press the scroll key and select Search >Addresses > Options > Contact.The search results are grouped by categories. To limitthe search to one category, select Options > Search.If you search for locations without an internetconnection, the search results are limited to a radius of50 km (31 miles).Plan a routeTo plan a route, select your start point on the map orsearch for a location, press the scroll key, and selectAdd > To route.To define the destination and add more locations foryour route, search for the location, and selectOptions > Add route point.To show the route on the map, select Options > Showroute.To navigate to the destination by car or on foot, if youhave purchased a licence for these extra services, selectOptions > Start driving or Start walking.To save the route, select Options > Save route.GPS dataSelect Menu > GPS > GPS data.With GPS data, you can view your current location, findyour way to a desired location, and track distance.Select Navigation to view navigating information toyour trip destination, Position to view positioninginformation about your current location, or Trip view your travelling information such as thedistance and duration you have travelled, and youraverage and maximum speeds.The application must receive positioning informationfrom at least four satellites to be used as a travellingaid.64CyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlackCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack