Manager - installing applications and software11516. Manager - installingapplications and softwareNote: Your game deck must be switched on to usethe functions in the Tools folder. Do not switch thegame deck on when wireless device use is prohibited orwhen it may cause interference or danger.Go to Menu→ Tools→ Manager.In Manager you can install new applications and softwarepackages, and remove applications from your game deck.You can also check the memory consumption.Options in the Manager mainview: View details, View certificate, Install, Remove, Viewlog, Send log, Memory details, Help, and Exit.When you open Manager, you can see a list of:• installation packages that have been saved to Manager,• partially installed applications (indicated by ), and• fully installed applications that you can remove(indicated by ).Note: In Manager, you can only use device softwareinstallation files with an extension .SIS.• Scroll to an installation file and select Options→ Viewdetails to view the Name, Version, Type, Size, Supplier,and Status of the software package.• Scroll to a software package and select Options→View certificate to display the security certificate detailsof a software package. See ‘Certif. management’, p. 48.Important: Only install software from sources thatoffer adequate protection against viruses and otherharmful software.Do not install the application if Manager gives a securitywarning during installation.Tip! To install Java™ applications (file extension.JAD or .JAR), go to Applications. For furtherinformation, see ‘(Java™) Applications’, p. 111.Installing softwareYou can install applications that are specifically intendedfor the Nokia N-Gage game deck or suitable for theSymbian operating system. A software package is usuallyone large compressed file containing many componentfiles.