Settings45• Use callback - This option allows a server to call youback once you have made the initial call. Contact yourservice provider to subscribe to this service.• Callback type - The options are Use server no. / Use otherno.. Ask your service provider for the correct setting touse; it will depend on the service provider’sconfiguration.• Callback number - Key in your game deck’s data phonenumber which the dial back server uses. Usually, thisnumber is the data call phone number of your gamedeck.• Use PPP compression - When set to Yes, this optionspeeds up the data transfer, if supported by the remotePPP server. If you have problems with establishing aconnection, try setting this to No. Contact your serviceprovider for guidance.Glossary: PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) - acommon networking software protocol that enablesany computer with a modem and a phone line toconnect directly to the Internet.• Use login script - The options are Yes / No.• Login script - Insert the login script.• Modem initialisation (Modem initialisation string) -Controls your game deck using modem AT commands.If required, enter characters specified by your GSMnetwork service provider or Internet service provider.GPRSGo to Settings→ Connection settings→ GPRS.The GPRS settings affect all access points using a packetdata connection.GPRS connection - If you select When available and you arein a network that supports packet data, the game deckregisters to the GPRS network and sending text messageswill be done via GPRS. Also, starting an active packet dataconnection, for example, to send and receive e-mail, isquicker. If you select When needed, the game deck will usea packet data connection only if you start an applicationor action that needs it.Access point - The access point name is needed when youwant to use your game deck as a packet data modem toyour computer. For more information on modemconnections, see p. 123.Note: If there is no GPRS coverage and you havechosen When available, the game deck will periodicallytry to establish a packet data connection.Data callGo to Settings→ Connection settings→ Data call.The Data call settings affect all access points using a datacall and high speed data call.