Manager - installing applications and software116Note: If you install a program that is not intendedspecifically for the Nokia N-Gage game deck, it mayfunction and look very different from the usual NokiaN-Gage game deck applications.Important: If you install a file that contains anupdate or repair to an existing application, you canonly restore the original application if you have theoriginal installation file or a full back-up copy of theremoved software package. To restore the originalapplication, first remove the application and theninstall the application again from the originalinstallation file or the back-up copy.Tip! Select Options→ View log to see whatsoftware packages have been installed or removed andwhen.1 Installation packages may be transferred to your gamedeck from a compatible computer, downloaded duringbrowsing, or sent to you in a multimedia message, asan e-mail attachment, or via Bluetooth. If you areusing PC Suite for Nokia N-Gage game deck to transferthe file, place it in the c:\nokia\installs folder on yourgame deck.2 Installation packages may be transferred to your gamedeck from a compatible computer via the suppliedDKE-2 Mini-B USB cable. If you are using MicrosoftWindows Explorer to transfer the file from the CD-ROM to the Nokia N-Gage game deck, place it on yourmemory card (local disk).3 Open Manager, scroll to the installation package, andselect Options→ Install to start the installation.Alternatively, search the game deck memory or thememory card for the installation file, select the file, andpress to start the installation.Example: If you have received the installation fileas an e-mail attachment, go to your mailbox, open thee-mail, open the Attachments view, scroll to theinstallation file, and press to start the installation.During installation, the game deck checks the integrity ofthe package to be installed. The game deck showsinformation about the checks being carried out and youare given options whether to continue or cancel theinstallation. Once the game deck has checked the integrityof the software package, the application is installed onyour game deck.Tip! To send your installation log to a help desk sothat they can see what has been installed or removed,select Options→ Send log→ Via text message orVia e-mail (available only if the correct e-mail settingsare in place).Removing software1 To remove a software package, scroll to it and selectOptions→ Remove.2 Press Yes to confirm the removal.Important: If you remove software, you can onlyre-install it if you have the original software package or