CameraFor more information on the camera and camerasettings, see the extended user guide on the productsupport pages of the Nokia website.About the cameraYour Nokia N86 8MP has two cameras. The main, high-resolution camera, is on the back of the device. Thesecondary, lower resolution camera is on the front. Youcan use both cameras to capture images and recordvideos.Your device supports an image capture resolution of3264x2448 pixels (8 megapixels). The imageresolution in this guide may appear different.The images and video clips are saved in Photos.The produced images are in the JPEG format. Video clipsare recorded in the MPEG-4 file format with the .mp4file extension, or in the 3GPP file format with the .3gpfile extension (sharing quality).To free memory for new images and video clips,transfer files to a compatible PC using a compatible USBdata cable, for example, and remove the files from yourdevice. The device informs you when the memory isfull. You can then free up memory in the currentstorage or change the memory in use.Activate the cameraTo activate the main camera, open the lens cover. Toactivate the main camera when the lens cover isalready open and the camera is active in thebackground, press and hold the capture key.To close the main camera, close the lens cover.Image captureStill image camera indicatorsThe still image camera viewfinder displays thefollowing:22 CameraCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlackCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack