MusicWarning: Continuous exposure to high volumemay damage your hearing. Listen to music at amoderate level, and do not hold the device near yourear when the loudspeaker is in use.Digital rights management (DRM) protected contentcomes with an associated licence that defines yourrights to use the content.If your device has OMA DRM-protected content, to backup both the licence and the content, use the backupfeature of Nokia Ovi Suite.Other transfer methods may not transfer the licencewhich need to be restored with the content for you tobe able to continue the use of OMA DRM-protectedcontent after the device memory is formatted. You mayalso need to restore the licence in case the files on yourdevice get corrupted.If your device has WMDRM-protected content, both thelicence and the content will be lost if the devicememory is formatted. You may also lose the licence andthe content if the files on your device get corrupted.Losing the licence or the content may limit your abilityto use the same content on your device again. For moreinformation, contact your service provider.Some licence may be connected to a specific SIM card,and the protected content can be accessed only if theSIM card is inserted in the device.For more information on music player, FM radio,internet radio, and Nokia Podcasting, see the extendeduser guide on the product support pages of the Nokiawebsite.FM radioThe FM radio depends on an antenna other than thewireless device antenna. A compatible headset oraccessory needs to be attached to the device for the FMradio to function properly.To open the radio, select Menu > Music > FMradio.When you open the radio for the first time, a wizardhelps you to save local radio stations (network service).To check availability and costs of the visual service andstation directory services, contact your serviceprovider.Listen to the radioSelect Menu > Music > FM radio. 35 MusicCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlackCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack