Practical rules about accessories● Keep all accessories out of the reach of smallchildren.● When you disconnect the power cord of anyaccessory, grasp and pull the plug, not the cord.● Check regularly that accessories installed in a vehicleare mounted and are operating properly.● Installation of any complex car accessories must bemade by qualified personnel only.Why use original accessories?As key components of your handset, batteries andchargers play a critical role in making sure the handsetis operating properly and safely. As shown by our long-term customer surveys and after-sales services,handsets fail in many cases by using unapprovedaccessories, especially unapproved batteries andchargers.Dangers of using unapproved batteries andchargers● Short lifetime, with charging and discharging timesnoticeably less than those of original batteries.● Consequent much shorter lifetime of the handset,unstable power supply that prevents the handsetcircuit from functioning properly, which causeslasting damages.● Poor performance and reliability of the handset,undermined voice quality and frequent breakdown.● Potential burning or explosion that endangersconsumer's safety.Benefits of using Nokia original accessories● Adequate safety.● High quality after-sales maintenance and servicesthat are available to original accessories only.● Nokia warranty does not apply to handset failuresattributable to the use of non-original Nokiaaccessories.False: Handset battery is a simple product thatcombines a group of linked cells within a singlepackage.True: A number of high-tech designs and high qualityraw materials are necessary for a handset battery toprovide stable and lasting performance. A batterymanufactured in a slipshod way differs from anoriginal product on process, design, and raw materialconsiderably, hence dramatic difference inperformance and safety.False: All accessories with the Nokia trademark areoriginal ones.True: Nokia original accessories are supplied in anelegant sales package (complying with nationalpackage regulations), and each battery carries ahologram label. It is recommended that consumers are58 AccessoriesCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlackCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack